Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Book Review: Safe haven by Nicolas Sparks

The Story: Kate/Erin, who is in hiding due to an abusive relationship with her husband Kevin. She is described as a very attractive woman despite (at first few chapters) looking a little pale and thin. I was thinking about Julia Roberts while I was reading this. She was able to start all over again in a certain village in North Carolina and managed her self to get a job as a waitress and get her place to stay which is a bit quite old a and rusty. She found a friend in Jo, her next door neighbor who seems to be mysterious since she's out a lot. And found her self a new love with grey-haired Alex (I imagined Eric Dane), widowed and happens to own a convenience in that area and lives with his 2 kids.

As per google, there is already the movie equivalent for these and is due for release on June 2012. Actors considered for the role were:

Kate/Erin: Scarlett Johanson, Kate Bosworth, Natalie Portam
Alex: Ben Affleck, Chris Pine, Ryan Gosling
Jo: Reese Witherspoon, Hilary Swank, Rachel McAdams
Kevin: Mark Wahlberg, Collin Farrell, Bradley Cooper

Spoiler Alert!

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